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姓  名:陳志洪

職  稱:教授


最高學歷:國立中央大學 資訊工程研究所博士


國立臺灣師範大學 資訊教育研究所 教授 (2020.2~今) 
國立臺灣師範大學 資訊教育研究所 副教授 (2017.2~2020.1) 
元智大學 資訊傳播系 副教授 (2015.2~2017.1)
元智大學 資訊傳播系 助理教授 (2012.2~2015.1)
國立中央大學 網路學習科技研究所 博士後 (2008.9~2012.1)





1. 新興科技於高中職資訊科技教材發展與評估—悅趣化學習策略(主持人 | 2020.8~2023.7)

2. 遊戲導向環境之程式設計策略運用與學習成效 (主持人 | 2019.8~2020.7)

3. 敘事導向數位遊戲強化語言學習之系統開發與評估 (主持人 | 2018.8~2019.7)

4. 個別差異對國小學童使用遊戲式漢字學習系統之影響 (主持人 | 2017.8~2018.7)

5. 以3D角色扮演遊戲促進文化體驗與覺察:孔子周遊列國 (主持人 | 2016.8~2017.7)

6. 英雄學堂:遊戲化出評答題學習活動 (主持人 | 2015.8~2016.7)

7. 我的模型:支援出題互評的開放式學生模型之系統發展與應用 (主持人 | 2014.8~2015.7)

8. 代理競爭:以虛擬角色為競爭媒介的遊戲式學習機制之設計與評估 (主持人 | 2012.8~2014.7)


43. Chen, P. Z., Wu, C. L., Chen, Z. H., Liao, Y. H., & Chen, H. C. (2022). The reliability, validity and normative data of a Tablet-Based Design Fluency Test. Psychological Testing, 69(4), 261-291. (TSSCI)

42. Looi, C. K., Wong, S. L., Kong, S. C., Chan, T. W., Shih, J. L., Chang, B., Wu, Y. T., Liu, C. C., Yeh, C. Y. C., Chen, Z. H., Chien, T. C., Chou, C. Y., Hung, H. C., Cheng, H., & Liao, C. C. Y. (2022). Looi, C. K., Wong, S. L., Kong, S. C., Chan, T. W., Shih, J. L., Chang, B., Wu, Y. T., Liu, C. C., Yeh, C. Y. C., Chen, Z. H., Chien, T. C., Chou, C. Y., Hung, H. C., Cheng, H., & Liao, C. C. Y. (2022). Interest-Driven Creator Theory: case study of embodiment in an experimental school in Taiwan. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18.

41. 黃琪芳、陳志洪、陳浩然(2021)。虛擬英語村:使用情境任務3D遊戲促進國中生的英語學習。教育傳播與科技研究,(127),1-15。

40. 陳志洪、李佳穎、齊珮芸(2020)。擴增實境輔助拼圖學習系統對學習成效、學習動機與學習興趣之影響。教育傳播與科技研究,(123),21-38。

39. Lin, Y.-T., Wu, C. C., Chen, Z. H., & Ku, P. Y. (2020). How gender pairings affect collaborative problem solving in
social-learning context: the effects on performance, behaviors, and attitudes. Educational Technology & Society, 23 (4), 30–44. (SSCI)

38. Chen, H. J. H., Hsu, H. L., Chen, Z. H., & Todd, A. G. (2020). Investigating the impact of integrating vocabulary exercises into an adventure video game on second vocabulary learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(2), 318-341. (SSCI)

37. Chen, H. J. H., Hsu, H. L., & Chen, Z. H. (2020). A study on the effect of adding L1 glosses in the subtitle of an adventure game for vocabulary learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-17. (SSCI)

36. Lu, C. H., Liu, C. & Chen, Z. H. (2020). Secure and efficient firmware update for increasing IoT-enabled smart devices. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing .

35. Wong, L. H., Chan, T. W., Chen, Z. H., Liao, C., Lam, R., King, R., Wong, S. L., Looi, C. K.,& Chen, W. L. (2020). The IDC Theory: Interest and the Interest Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(3).

34. Chan, T. W., Looi, C. K., Chang, B., Chen, W. L., Wong, L. H., Wong, S. L., Yu, F. Y., Mason, J., Liu, C. C., Shih, J. L., Wu, Y. T.,, Kong, S. C., Wu, L. K., Chien, T. C., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z. H., & Chou, C. Y. (2019). IDC theory: creation and the creation loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14(26).

33. Chen, Z. H. & Liu, W. Y. (2019). A Six-Stage Story Structure Approach for Elementary Students’ Story Production: Quality, Interest, and Attitude. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-24. (SSCI)

32. Yeh, C. Y. C., Cheng, H. N. H., Chen, Z. H., Liao, C. C. Y. & Chan, T. W. (2019). Enhancing achievement and interest in mathematics learning through Math-Island. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14(5),

31. Chen, Z. H., Lu, H. D., & Lu, C. H. (2019). The effects of human factors on the use of avatars in game-based learning: customization vs. non-customization. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(4-5), 384-394. (SSCI)

30. Chen, Z. H., Lu, H. D., & Chou, C. Y. (2019). Using game-based negotiation mechanism to enhance students’ goal setting and regulation. Computers and Education, 129, 800-810. (SSCI)

29. Chan, T. W., Looi, C. K., Chen, W., Wong, L. H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H. N. H., Chen, Z. H., Liu, C. C., Kong, S. C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H. J., Murthy, S., Yu, F. Y., Wong, S. L., King, R., B., Gu, X., Wang, M. Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4), 435-461.

28. Chou, C. Y., Tseng, S. F., Wang, C. J, Chao, P.Y., Chen, Z. H., Lai, R. K., Chan, C. L.,& Yu, L. C. (2018). Learning analytics on graduates’ academic records to reflect on a competency-based curriculum. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26, 2168-2182. (SCIE)

27. Liao, C. C. Y., Chen, Z. H., Cheng, H.N.H., & Chan, T. W. (2018). Effects of friendship relations and gender differences on classroom-based surrogate competitive learning. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(3), 259-277. 

26. Yu, L. C., Lee, C. W., Pan, H. Y., Chou, C. Y., Chao, P. Y., Chen, Z. H., Tseng, S. F., Chan, C. L., & Lai, K. R. (2018). Improving early prediction of academic failure using sentiment analysis on self-evaluated comments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 34(4), 358-365. (SSCI)


25. Chen, Z. H., Chen, H., H. J., & Dai, W. J. (2018). Using narrative-based contextual games to enhance language learning: a case study. Educational Technology & Society, 21 (3), 186–198. (SSCI)


24. Chen, Z. H., & Wang, S. C. (2018). Representations of animal companions on student learning perception: static, animated, and tangible. Educational Technology and Society, 21(2), 124-133. (SSCI)


23. Teng, C. H., Chen, J. Y., & Chen, Z. H. (2018). Impact of augmented reality on programming language learning: efficiency and perception. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 56(2), 254-271. (SSCI) 


22. Chen, Z. H., & Lee, S. Y. (2018). Application-driven educational game to assist young children in learning English vocabulary. Educational Technology and Society, 21(1), 70-81. (SSCI)

21. Chen, Z. H., Chou, C. Y., Tseng, S. F., & Su, Y. C. (2018). Feedback of interface agents on student perception: level, dialogue, and emotion. Educational Technology and Society, 21(1), 82-90. (SSCI)


20. Liu, W. Y., & Chen, Z. H.. (2017). Game-based system for pupils’ Chinese character learning. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 9(4), 1-24. (Chinese, TSSCI)

19. Chen, Z. H., Chen, S. Y., & Chien, C. H. (2017). Students’ reactions to different levels of game scenarios: a cognitive style approach. Educational Technology and Society, 20(4), 69-77. (SSCI)

18. Chien, T. C., Chen, Z. H., & Chan, T. W. (2017). Exploring long-term behavior patterns in a book recommendation system for reading. Educational Technology and Society, 20(2), 27-36. (SSCI)

17. Chou, C. Y., Tseng, S. F., Chih, W. C., Chen, Z. H., Chao, P. Y., Lai, K. R., Chan, C. L., Yu, L. C.,& Lin, Y. L. (2017). Open student models of core competencies at the curriculum level: Using learning analytics for student reflection. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 5(1), 32-44. (SCIE)

16. Chien, T. C., Chen, Z. H., Ku, Y. M., Ko, H. W., & Chan, T. W. (2015). My-Bookstore: Using information technology to support children’s classroom reading and book recommendation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 52(4), 455-474. (SSCI)

15. Chen, Z. H., & Chen, S. Y. (2014). When educational agents meet surrogate competition: Impacts of competitive educational agents on students’ motivation and performance. Computers and Education, 75, 274-281. (SSCI)

14. Chen, Z. H. (2014). Exploring students' behaviors in a competition-driven educational game. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 68-74. (SSCI)

13. Chen, Z. H. (2014). Learning preferences and motivation of different ability students for social-competition or self-competition. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 17(1), 283-293.(SSCI)

12. Chen, Z. H., & Chen, S. Y. (2013). A surrogate competition approach to enhancing game-based learning. ACM Transactions on Computer- Human Interaction, 20(6), Article 35. (SCI)

11. Chen, Z. H., Chao, P. Y., Hsu, M. C., & Teng, C. H. (2013). Level up, My-Pet: The effects of level promotion of educational agents on student learning. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 16(4), 111-121. (SSCI)

10. Chou, C. Y., Lu, S. P., & Chen, Z. H. (2013). Evenly matched competitive strategies: Dynamic difficulty adaptation in a game-based learning system. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(2), 225-243.

9. Chen, Z. H., Lu, C. H., Chou, C. Y., Chen, L. C., Chiang, C. W., & Wan, C. F. (2013). My-Investment: Using digital games to help children learn financial management. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(2), 277-290.

8. Chen, Z. H. (2012). We care about you: Incorporating pet characteristics with educational agents through reciprocal caring approach. Computers and Education, 59(4), 1081-1088. (SSCI)

7. Liao, C. C. Y., Chen, Z. H., Cheng, H. N. H., & Chan, T. W. (2012). Unfolding learning behaviors: A sequential analysis approach in a game-based learning environment. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1), 25-44.

6. Chen, Z. H., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H. N. H., Yeh, C. Y. C., & Chan, T. W. (2012). Influence of game quests on pupils' enjoyment and goal-pursuing in math learning. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 15(2), 317-327. (SSCI)

5. Chen, Z. H., Chou, C. Y., Biswas, G., & Chan, T. W. (2012). Substitutive competition: Virtual pets as competitive buffers to alleviate possible negative influence on pupils. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(2), 247-258. (SSCI)

4. Liao, C. C. Y., Chen, Z. H., Cheng, H. N. H., Chen, F. C., & Chan, T. W. (2011). My-Mini-Pet: A handheld pet-nurturing game to engage students in the arithmetic practices. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(1), 76-89. (SSCI)

3. Chen, Z. H., Liao, C. C. Y., Chien, T. C., & Chan, T. W. (2011). Animal companions: Fostering children's effort-making by nurturing virtual pets. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(1), 166-180. (SSCI)

2. Chen, Z. H., Chou, C. Y., Deng, C. Y., & Chan, T. W. (2007). Active open learner models as animal companions: Motivating children to learn through interaction with My-Pet and Our-Pet. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 17(2), 145-167.

1. Chang, L. J., Chou, C. Y., Chen, Z. H., & Chan, T. W. (2004). An approach to assisting teachers in building physical and network hybrid community-based learning environments: the Taiwanese experience. Journal of Educational Development, 24(4), 361-381. (SSCI)

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